Thursday, October 9, 2014

LEAT received 95.9 Million Tshs from Legal Services Facility (LSF) as grants to implement a project on Advocacy for reducting economic gender based violence. This is a twelve (12) Months project started from September 2014 to August 2015, implemented in Dodoma Region at Mpwapwa specifically in six (6) villages in three Wards including Kibakwe, Ipera and Rudi. The project target groups are women and men aged 15years and above and the project is intended to benefit 150 beneficiaries in the entire districts which is 25 citizens each villages.
The main objective of the project is to create the community with fair distribution, ownership and control of economic resources. Specifically the project aimed at increasing the community awareness on Economic Gender Based Violence (EGBV) at domestic level and legal rights access to resources as well as linking women and girls with legal institutions to protect them, and respond to Economic Gender Based Violence (EGBV)
LEAT will work to create a better environment for upholding, respecting, and defending the rights of the rural women and girls in Mpwapwa district and enable them to know, advocate and defend their human rights including life to life, right to decent treatment and respect, equality before the law, right to own property, freedom association and expression right to take part in decision making process at the family, village, district and national level, Duty to enforce the law, right to privacy, freedom of movement, right to work and livelihood, right to have a family and many among others”. Said Glory Baltazari Kilawe (Advocate) who is also the coordinator for this project.
During the implementation of this project LEAT will conduct weekly sessions to peer group on EGBV and legal rights, organizing and conducting trainings of facilitators (TOF)/Peer educators on EGBV and legal rights. Conducting public sensitization meetings through theater for development, produce training manuals on EGBV as well as monitoring and evaluation of the project activities.
LEAT intervention will result to the empowerment in the aspects of Economic Gender Based Violence, Human rights and legal right in the project area. It will also lead to increase awareness on Economic Gender Based Violence, human rights and Legal Rights to communities in Mpwapwa District particularly in the targeted project villages. The project will lead to the identification and utilization of legal services in project villages necessary in combating Economic Gender Based Violence and enforcing of human right and legal rights. Not only that but also women and community members will vigorously report and take action against Economic Gender Based Violence (EGBV)and actively take part in decision making processes pertaining to the control distribution and ownership of resources in their respective villages and there will be reduced cases of Economic Gender Based Violence in project villages.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Timu ya Wanasheria Watetezi wa Mazingira (LEAT) inafanya programu ya kuiwezesha jamii kutunza Mazingira na kuibua miradi kupitia Mbinu Shirikishi ya Kujifunza kwa Vitendo (Participatory Learning and Action/People Owned Process) ambayo inasimamiwa na Asasi iitwayo Mtandao wa mazingira Tanzania  (Mazingira Network Tanzania (MANET) iliyopo Morogoro na kufadhiliwa na  Mfuko wa dunia wa wanyamapori (WWF-Norway.) MANET inafanya programu hii kwa kushirikisha Asasi mbalimbali Tanzania kwa lengo la kuwezesha jamii zote kuibua na kumiliki miradi yao wenyewe pasipo kutegemea wawekezaji au Wafadhili). MANET iliweza kuteua wakala wa mabadiliko (Young Environmentalist Trainee (YET)) kutoka kila asasi nchini Tanzania. Kutoka LEAT Bi Edina Tibaijuka ambaye ni Afisa Mazingira  na mkuu wa Idara ya  udhubiti wa taka na uchafuzi wa Mazingira. aliteuliwa kuwa  wakala wa mabadiliko(YET) na kuiwakilisha asasi kwenda kupata mafunzo hayo ya PLA/POP.

Katika harakati za kuendeleza mradi huu LEAT iliamua kutoa mafunzo haya katika kitongoji cha Majani Mapana wilaya ya Bagamoyo, mkoa wa Pwani kwasababu ni moja ya wilaya inayokumbana na changamoto ya uchafuzi wa Mazingira uliosababishwa na uwepo wa dampo katikati ya makazi ya wanajamii hao. Hivyo hali hii inazidi kurudisha nyuma hali ya utunzaji Mazingira na hali ya uchumi kwa jamii ya watu wa Majani Mapana.

Hivyo tangu mwezi Oktoba 2013 hadi hivi sasa LEAT imekuwa ikishirikiana kwa ukaribu na wanajamii wa Majani Mapana katika kutoa mafunzo ya elimu shirikishi ya kujifunza kwa vitendo (PLA/POP) ili kuhakikisha wanajamii wanaweza kutatua changamoto mbalimbali za Mazingira na kuweza kubadilisha mitazamo yao juu ya utegemezi. LEAT inaamini ifikapo mwisho wa mwaka huu ambapo ndio utakuwa mwisho wa programu hii Jamii hii itaweza kujisimamia yenyewe katika kulinda Mazingira na kuendeleza miradi mbalimbali ya utunzaji Mazingira.

Monday, September 29, 2014


Dear Followers, LEAT wishes to inform you that we have changed our official email from to info@ This is due to change in website domain which is currently www.leat We are sorry for any inconveniences caused due to this act.
Keep in touch

Thursday, September 25, 2014



Timu ya wanasheria watetezi wa mazingira (LEAT) kupitia mradi wa Ushiriki wa Wananchi katika Usimamizi wa Maliasili ( CEGO-NRM) ambao upo chini ya Ufadhili wa Shirika la maendeleo la misaada la watu wa Marekani (USAID) inaendesha mafunzo ya Usimamizi wa Maliasili kwa kupitia dhana ya mfumo wa Ufuatiliaji wa Uwajibikaji jamii

 (UJJ/SAM) katika mkoa wa Iringa, wilaya mbili za Iringa vijijini na Mafinga.

Mafunzo yalianza mnamo mwezi wa nane na yataendelea hadi mwezi wa kumi mwaka 2014. Walengwa wakuu wa mafunzo haya ni Kamati za Mazingira za vijiji kama vile kamati za maliasili, kamati za maji, kamati za matumizi bora ya ardhi, kamati za mipango na fedha, baraza la ardhi na kamati nyingine zinazohusika na mazingira vijijini.

 Hadi sasa LEAT imeweza kuzifikia kamati hizi na kuwapatia mafunzo ambapo mpaka sasa Katika wilaya ya Iringa vijijini LEAT imeweza kuifikia kata ya KIwere na Idodi ambapo  katika kata ya Kiwere wkamati za mazingira za vijiji vya kiwere, Mfyome,Kitapilimwa na itagutwa vimenufaika na mafunzo haya, vilevile katika kata ya Idodi kamati za vijiji za Tungamalenga, idodi zimefikiwa na kuelimishwa wakati kijiji cha Kitisi kikitegemea kufikiwa na Mafunzo haya mwanzoni mwa mwezi wa kumi.

Kadhalika katika wilaya ya Mafinga LEAT imekusudia kuzifikia kata Mbili ambazo ni Igombavanu na Saadani ambapo mpaka sasa LEAT imeweza kuvifikia vijiji vya Igombavanu, uhambila Lugoda lutali na Tambalang’ombe katika kata ya igombavanu wakati katika kata ya Saadani LEAT imeweza kuvifikia vijiji vya Kibada,Mapogolo wakati kijiji cha utosi kikitegemea kufikiwa mwanzoni mwa mwezi wa kumi.

Mafunzo haya yamelenga kuwafikia angalau wajumbe 35 wa kamati za Mazingira kwa kila kijiji na lengo kuu la mafunzo haya ni

 I. Ni kuijengea uwezo jamii kufahamu mwelekeo sahihi wa uwajibikaji jamii.

 II. Kuelewa dhana ya mfumo wa uwajibikaji jamii katika usimamizi wa misitu na wanyamapori.

  III. Pia kuelewa hatua tano za mchakato wa mfumo wa uwajibikaji jamii ikwa ni pamoja na mpango wa mgawanyo wa rasilimali, usimamizi wa matumizi, usimamizi wa uadilifu na usimamizi wa uangalizi.

 Vilevile mafunzo ya ufuatiliaji na usimamizi wa uwajibikaji wa jamii yanalenga kuongeza uelewa juu ya zana za uwajibikaji na usimamizi wa jamii kwa kufuatilia kila hatua ya mchakato.

 Hivyo basi ufualiaji wa uwajibikaji jamii unawezesha watoa huduma kwa jamii kutoa ufafanuzi, uthibitisho na uhalalisho juu ya mgawanyo wa raslimali za umma, utekelezaji wake na ufanisi/utendaji wake. Lengo ni kuhakikisha kuwa viongozi wa serikali pamoja na watoa huduma wote wanawajibika na wanawajibishwa ipasavyo pale wanaposhindwa kufikisha huduma muhimu kwa jamii kama walivyoorodhesha katika mpango mkakati, Mpango mwaka na bajeti ya Mwaka ili kuweza kufikia haki za msingi za binadamu/mwananchi.



 Under TMF- lEAT extractive industries fellowship for journalists program 2014 10 fellows were trained on extractive industries

This fellowship program funded by Tanzania media fund aimed at increasing the capacity of 10 fellows on the extractive industry by equipping them with critical knowledge on mining industry and oil and gas exploration and production structure enabling them to deliver quality print articles and stimulate debates or reactions from the public and policy makers based on the published articles. this was a six months fellowship aimed at building capacity of 10 Journalists fellows on extractive industry during the six months of the fellowship, enabling them to generate quality print articles on extractive industry during the five weeks of fieldwork and 7 seven weeks after fieldwork as well as engendering change in the society through increased public awareness in well-informed debates between members of the public and policy makers during the fellowship program and soon thereafter.

The training was typically based on, the political economy of the extractive industries; the policy and legal regimes of extractive industries in Tanzania; institutions governing the extractive industries in Tanzania;

bilateral investments treaties and international investment dispute settlement mechanisms; the tax regime on the extractive industries in Tanzania; fiscal tools in international petroleum agreements (IPA), oil and gas exploration and production, natural resources governance reporting tools for journalists; environmental management policy and legal frameworks for extractive industries as well as cosmetics reforms in the mining industry in sub-Saharan African countries.

LEAT together with the donor TMF believes that Journalists trained under this fellowship program will accentuate on knowledge sharing to other journalists that have not benefited from this program and they will use the knowledge to deliver quality print articles and stimulate debates or reactions from the public and policy makers based on the published articles for the benefit of the Tanzania Community.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Lawyers Environmental Action Team (LEAT) with the assistance from USAID organized and conducted a 7 days training sessions on introduction of Social Accountability Monitoring (SAM) concept and its methodologies to Village Environmental committees in Kiwere Ward, Iringa Rural district. The main objectives of the training was to build the capacity of the identified VEC members to conduct SAM on the Natural resources sector with an expectation that the village Environmental committees was to be an agent of change  at the village, ward and district level after being conversant with SAM in NRM sector.

The training drew up  at least seven (7) committees  which gives a total number of 35 participants including,  Village Natural Resources Committee ( VNRC),  Village Water Committee( VWC), Village and Council (VLC), Village Land use Committee (VLUC), Village Planning and Finance Committee (VPFC), Religious representatives as well as Elders representatives in the  village and during the following topics were  detailed elaborated , introduction to SAM and the five processes of SAM system/ cycle.

Accountability began to appear soon after the training where some of the Committee began to evaluate their performance, A good example is when the LEAT team followed up to assess the immediate post-training results or action taken they found the existing meeting session at Kitapilimwa village, Kiwere ward whereby the Village council were making evaluation of their performance. Kitapilimwa village received a training on 1st to 7th September 2014 and the meeting was held on the 10th September 2014 Just 3 days after the training. The meeting session aimed at evaluating the performance of the Village council, looking at their weaknesses and developing strategies to tackle these limitations so as to ensure accountability and access to justice and basic human rights.

The meeting consisted of the Kiwere Ward councilor, Kitapilimwa Village chairman, Chairman of the planning and finance committee, Village Executive Secretary, Members from Natural resources committee, land use committee as well as other members from other committees.

Kitapilimwa village council promised to hold accountable all officials who noted not to be performers, all officials that are not integral and also promised to involve all citizens in the village of Kitapilimwa in the planning stage exactly at the point of floating priorities.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Mkufunzi Hana Lupembe (kulia) akiwasilisha mada wakati wa mafunzo ya ufuatiliaji wa uwajibikaji jamii katika ushiriki wa wananchi katika usimamizi wa maliasili (misitu na wanyamapori) yanayoendelea VETA, mjini Iringa.

Mkufunzi Franklin Masika (kulia) na msimamizi mkuu wa mafunzo Dr. Naima Besta (katikati)wakimsilikiza mshiriki kwa makini wakati akichangia mada.
Msimamizi Mkuu wa mafunzo,  Dr. Naima Besta kutoka shirika la Lawyers' Environmental Action Team (LEAT) akitoa ufafanuzi kwa washiriki wa mafunzo ya ufuatiliaji wa uwajibikaji jamii katika ushiriki wa wananchi katika usimamizi wa maliasili, ambapo moja ya malengo makuu ya mafunzo hayo ni kuijengea uwezo jamii kufahamu mwelekeo sahihi wa uwajibikaji jamii.
washiriki wa mafunzo ya Ushiriki wa wananchi katika usimamizi wa Maliasili
Mafunzo kwa Vitendo










A total of 33 individuals from Mufindi and Iringa districts have participated in training of trainers (TOT) in citizen engaging in Government oversight of the management of natural resources (forestry and wildlife) in the just ended ten days training held at VETA Conference Hall in Iringa town, Iringa Region.
The project on Citizen Engagement in Government Oversight (CEGO) in Natural Resources Management and Social Accountability Monitoring (SAM) is the project aimed at making sure that government leaders and service providers are held fully responsible when they fail to deliver the required services as they are indicated in the strategic plan, annual work plan and the district budget.
According to the Senior Project Officer, Dr. Naima Besta, the government leaders and service providers are equally required to prepare, submit and disseminate implementation reports at the end of
financial year.
The training process involved four Community Based Organizations from Mufindi district is ASHTECH and MUVIMA and Iringa rural are MJUMIKK and MBOMIPA along with other 17 including ward councilors, ward
executive officers, and division officers.
Dr. Naima Besta said the training is divided into four parts where training of trainers was first given to Lawyers Environmental Acton Team (LEAT) workers; next level of training was given to 33 trainers from mentioned CBOs and ward leaders, and it will be followed by training at the district level.
More training will be conducted at the village level to all committees members involved in natural resources management and the villagers in the selected villages in Iringa rural and Mufindi districts.
She said that the training at the district level will involve district natural resources Officers, wildlife officers, land officers, forestry officers and other officials dealing with natural resources at the district level in Iringa rural and Mufindi districts.
"This project of citizens engaging in natural resource management aims to empower people to participate in government oversight in managing natural resources through Social Accountability Monitoring.
This project aims at making sure that government leaders and service providers are held fully responsible when they fail to deliver the required services as they are indicated in the strategic plan, annual work plan and the district budget in relation to natural resources. They are equally required to prepare, submit and disseminate implementation reports at the end of financial year, "said senior project manager.
Other facilitators who accompanied Dr. Naima Besta in conducting the training of trainers in Iringa region include Mr. Runyoro Adolf (Alawyers), Mr. Franklin Masika (A wildlife Management specialist) and Hana Lupembe (Natural resources management specialist) Citizens Engaging in Government Oversight in Natural Resources Management (CEGO-NRM) is implemented under USAID/Tanzania's Democracy, Human Rights and Governance (DRG) "Supporting Accountability to Tanzania Citizens" (SATC) Program.
In implementing the CEGO-NRM project, Lawyers' Environmental Action Team (LEAT) will collaborate Community Based Organizations (CBOs) aiming at empowering the citizens in Natural Resources Management (NRM), Social Accountability Monitoring (SAM), as well as Income Generating Activities (IGA's).
LEAT is conducting the project to empower the citizens of Iringa rural and Mufindi districts in Iringa region and later in Mvomero and Kilombero districts in Morogoro region in order to improve accountability and oversight of public resources through increasing citizens' participation in natural resources management, benefit sharing, governance, and oversight of services delivery at the local government authority levels.
In another development, the senior project officer said the engagement of citizens in the management and monitoring of natural resources intends to reduce illegal harvesting of forests and poaching by introducing other income generation activities like beekeeping as an alternative measure.


Monday, May 26, 2014


Endelea kufuatilia matukio katika picha jinsi Chama cha Wanasheria  Watetezi wa Mazingira walivyosherehekea miaka 20 ya taasisi yetu.


Wanasheria watetezi wa mazingira wakifanya usafi katika mtaa wa mazingira, Mikocheni B. Moja ya shughuli muhimu za maadhimisho ya Miaka 20 ya UHai wa taasisi hii ( LEAT)

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Tarehe 28 Aprili 2014 ilikuwa ni siku ya furaha sana kwa Chama cha wanasheria watetezi wa mazingira(LEAT) kwani ilifikisha miaka ishirini wa uhai wa taasisi hii. Imekuwa ni miaka 20 ya huduma kwa watanzania na mazingira yao.Imewezesha wanasheria-mazingira kushirikiana na wanasheria wengine ndani na nje ya nchiyetu kupambana na uharibifu wa mazingira, kukuza uelewawa sheria za mazingira katika nchi yetu na kutoa msaada wa klisheria kwa waathirika wa uharibifu wa mazingira. Kuanzishwa kwa LEAT mnamo miaka 20 iliyopita. kilikuwa kitu cha aina yake kwani LEAT ndiyo asasi ya kwanza ya wanasheria yenye kutetea utunzwaji na ulundwaji wa mazingira kwa maslahi ya jamii na nchi kuanzishwa Tanzania. LEAT ilipoanzishwa ilikumbana na changamoto mbalimbali ikiwa ni pamoja na kutokuwepo kwa sheria mama ya mazingira nchini, kutokuwepokwa taasisi ya kiserikali yenye jukumu la mwisho katika utunzwaji wa mazingiranchini. Mazingira yalitunzwa kwa mazoea na si kwa sheria ukiondoa maeneo ya hifadhi za kitaifa za misitu na wanyamapori. Katika kipindi cha miaka 20 mengi yamebadilikana mengine bado hayajabadilika. Hivi sasa nchi yetu ina Sheria mwongozo ya mazingira, na Baraza la Usimamizi wa mazingira(NEMC). Hiyo ni hatua kubwa na ambacho hakijabadilika ni uchafuzi wa mazingira. Licha ya kutungwa kwa sheria ya mazingira na NEMC bado utunzaji wetu wa wa mazingira ni mbaya.Makazi yetu mengi ni machafu,Nyumba zinajengwa bila kufuata na kuheshimu kanuni za mipango miji na matumizi ya ardhi. Kibaya zaidi ni kuwa taasisi za kiserikali za mazingirazimekuwa zikifanya usimamizi wa mazingira kwa njia ya kushikizia. Miaka 20 ya LEAT imekuwa na changamoto zake ikiwa ni pamoja kutokukubalika kwa yale inayoyapigania katika baadhi ya taasisi za serikali na makampuni binafsi. Kwa mfano kampeni zake za kupigania haki za wachimbaji wadogo wa Bulyanhulu haikupokelewa vizuri na serikali kitu ambacho kilisababisha baadhi ya viongozi na wafanyakazi wa LEAT kuweka ndani na kufunguliwa kesi ya uchochezi. Aidha LEAT nusura ifutiwe usajili wake. Changamoto hizi zilisababisha LEAT kubadili muundo wake na kuwa kampuni isiyon na hisa na hivyo kupata kinga ya kisheria.Ufutwaji wake unaweza kutokea tu kama wanachama wataamua hivyo au kufutwa na mahakama baada ya taratibu zote za kuendeshwa kesi kufuatwa. Changamoto nyingine ni Rasilimali watu na pesa. LEAT imekumbana na changamoto hii ambayo imekuwa ni kikwazo kikubwa katika kutoa huduma huduma zake kwa watu wengi. LEAT Inapenda kutoa rai wa wafadhili mbalimbali ndani na nje ya nchi kuiunga mkono LEATkwa kutoa ufadhili utakaoiwezesha kufanya mambo mengi makubwa katika nchi yetu. LEAT inapenda kuwashukuru wafadhili wote ambao wameiunga mkono kwa kipindi chote ca miaka 20 ya uhai wake. Ufadhili wao umeiwezesha LEAT kufanya tafiti muhimu za Sheria -mazingira, Sera za maliasili na mazingira, madini,misitu,wanyamapori,na mabadiliko ya mfumo-hewa na majira kwa upande mmoja na kuweza kutoa msaada wa kisheriakwa jamii mbalimbali hapa nchini.Umewezesha wafanyakazi wake kupata mafunzo mengi ya masuala ya kisheria na mazingira ikiwa ni pamoja na shahada za uzamili. LEAT inawahakikishia wafadhili kuwa inathamini sana ufadhili wao na itahakikisha kuwa inatumia ufadhili na ruzuku kutoka kwao kukuza na kuendeleza maslahi ya umma.